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How AI Thinks
Nigel Toon
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£9.89 £10.99
Introduction to Computer Organization. ARM
Robert G Plantz
£51.29 £56.99
Data Structures and Algorithms in Javascript
Federico Kereki
PHP Crash Course
Matt Smith
£60.29 £66.99
C++ Essentials for Dummies
John Mueller
£11.69 £12.99
Kotlin for the Curious
Faisal Islam
Office Monsters
Martin Eppler and 1 more
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Java Essentials
Doug Lowe and 1 more
SQL Essentials
Richard Blum and 1 more
Facilitating Software Architecture
Andrew HarmelLaw
£50.39 £55.99
Learning Modern C++ for Finance
Daniel Hanson
£47.69 £52.99
Graph Algorithms the Fun Way
Jeremy Kubica