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Heterogeneous Cyber Physical Systems of Systems
Dr Ioannis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and 2 more
In Stock
£87.29 £96.99
Internet of Things With 8051 and ESP8266
Anita Gehlot and 4 more
£76.49 £84.99
How Transistor Area Shrank by 1 Million Fold
Howard Tigelaar
£40.49 £44.99
Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Design
Ahmet Bindal
£98.99 £109.99
8051 Microcontrollers
Salvador Pinillos Gimenez
£67.49 £74.99
Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
Suhash Chandra Dutta Roy
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£71.99 £79.99
Tantalum and Niobium-Based Capacitors
Yuri Freeman
Semiconductor Nanolasers
Qing Gu and 1 more
£112.50 £125.00
Paul G Yock
£65.69 £72.99