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The Cruising Life: A Commonsense Guide for the Would-Be Voyager
Jim Trefethen
Print on Demand / Special Order
£29.69 £32.99
Dead Reckoning
Dave Atcheson
£17.09 £18.99
Sailing a Serious Ocean
John Kretschmer
In Stock
£17.99 £19.99
Why Sailors Can't Swim and Other Marvellous Maritime Curiosities
Nic Compton
£10.79 £11.99
Expert Sailing Skills
Tom Cunliffe
£22.49 £24.99
Sailing, Yachts and Yarns
£14.39 £15.99
Knox-Johnston on Sailing
Robin KnoxJohnston
£13.49 £14.99
Turkey Cruising Companion
Emma Watson
£31.49 £34.99
This Old Boat
Don Casey
£37.79 £41.99
Practical Navigation for the Modern Boat Owner
Pat Manley
Gregor Tarjan
£42.29 £46.99
Marine Diesel Engines
Nigel Calder
£21.59 £23.99