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New Mobilities and Social Changes in Russia's Arctic Regions
Marlène Laruelle
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£35.99 £39.99
Jonathan Mullard
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£58.50 £65.00
The Global North-South Atlas
Marcin Wojciech Solarz
£38.69 £42.99
Affordable Housing for Smart Villages
Hemanta Kumar Doloi and 1 more
£42.29 £46.99
The Library of Ice
Nancy Campbell
£8.99 £9.99
Atlas of Unusual Borders
Zoran NikoliÔc
£13.49 £14.99
Aksel Ersoy
£29.69 £32.99
Trans-Europe Express
Owen Hatherley
£9.89 £10.99
Remarkable Road Trips
Colin Salter
£22.50 £25.00
The Arctic
Klaus Professor of Geopolitics and 4 more
Print on Demand / Special Order
£49.50 £55.00
Klaus Dodds and 1 more
Rocks and Rain, Reason and Romance
David Howe