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The People's Celebration of the Eucharist
Fintan Lyons
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£10.76 £11.95
Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II
Stephen J McKinney and 2 more
In Stock
£20.70 £23.00
The Everyday God
Jonathan Arnold
£8.99 £9.99
Humility Illuminated
Dennis R Edwards and 1 more
£17.09 £18.99
Preaching the Gospel of Justice
Jennifer L Ackerman
£12.59 £13.99
Critical Faith
Joni SchwartzChaney
£17.99 £19.99
The Power of Vision – Discover and Apply God`s Plan for Your Life and Ministry
George Barna
Print on Demand / Special Order
£10.79 £11.99
12 Faithful Men – Portraits of Courageous Endurance in Pastoral Ministry
Collin Hansen and 2 more
How Should We Then Die?
Ewan C Goligher
£14.39 £15.99
Touching Cloth
Fergus ButlerGallie
£9.89 £10.99
Jesus and the Powers
N T Wright and 1 more
£15.29 £16.99
No Ceiling to Hope
Patrick Regan