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In Search of Schrödinger's Cat
John Gribbin
In Stock
£11.69 £12.99
Steven Weinberg
£22.50 £25.00
The Art of Physics
Zahaan Bharmal
£19.80 £22.00
Why Don't Things Fall Up?
Alom Shaha
£9.89 £10.99
Guido Tonelli
£18.00 £20.00
Beyond The God Particle
Leon M Lederman and 1 more
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In a Flight of Starlings
Giorgio Parisi and 1 more
The Universal History of Us
Tim Coulson
£27.00 £30.00
It's Not Rocket Science
Ben Miller
The Biggest Ideas in the Universe. 2 Quanta and Fields
Sean Carroll
£15.29 £16.99
Blue Machine
Helen Czerski
Quantum Physics
Andrew Zimmerman Jones
£17.09 £18.99