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Clean Economy Now
Bob Keefe
In Stock
£17.99 £19.99
Power Failure
William D Cohan
£17.09 £18.99
Volt Rush
Henry Sanderson
£9.89 £10.99
Dale Vince
The Rare Metals War
Guillaume Pitron
£11.69 £12.99
The Carbon Almanac
Carbon Almanac Network Organization
£13.49 £14.99
The New Climate War
Michael E. Mann
Thomas J Flaherty
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£22.95 £25.50
Confined Fluid Phase Behavior and CO2 Sequestration in Shale Reservoirs
Yueliang Liu and 1 more
£97.20 £108.00
Granta 159
Sigrid Rausing
Print on Demand / Special Order
The World for Sale
Javier Blas and 1 more
The Rise and Fall of King Coal
Nick Pigott
£26.99 £29.99