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Modern Business Analytics
Deanne Larson
In Stock
£47.69 £52.99
Energy Statistics Yearbook 2018
United Nations Publications Agency
£156.60 £174.00
Statistical Yearbook 2020, Sixty-Third Issue (English/French Edition)
United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs
£171.90 £191.00
Asia Bond Monitor - June 2020
Asian Development Bank
£22.46 £24.95
Anthony Reuben
£8.09 £8.99
The Art of Statistics
D J Spiegelhalter
£9.89 £10.99
Nicole Forsgren and 2 more
£17.09 £18.99
A Field Guide to Lies and Statistics
Daniel J Levitin
Trading With Ichimoku
Karen Péloille
Print on Demand / Special Order
£31.49 £34.99
Weapons of Math Destruction
Cathy ONeil
Johan Norberg
In 100 Years
Ignacio PalaciosHuerta
£16.19 £17.99