Woman is a 50-page sledgehammer collection of short stories that highlight the struggles, rituals and abuse endured by cis-women across cultures. This is not an easy read and I have to say I had difficulty getting through it, because of the topics covered. It is very well-written and each short story is concise, striking at the heart of the sometimes harrowing topic. It made me wince more than a couple of times as I read. There are a number of events described in quite explicit detail and this book will not be for everyone.
Woman is described as a collection of stories that focus on the strength of women, I would agree with this but would include “in the face of intense pain and suffering”. This book powerfully highlights the struggles, pain, injustices faced by women and girls worldwide, but at the end of each story in this collection, the women endure, survive and show hope for the future. I think the final message of hope helped to alleviate how intense the darker moments are.
I liked that additional information and facts at the end of the book, and I think that this helps to highlight the importance of this book. I think that is how I would describe this book, it’s important. Woman highlights struggles and events that can’t be shied away from just because they make us uncomfortable.
Primary Genre | Indie Author Books |
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