In 1990, a television show captured the hearts and minds of a generation of viewers. Despite being cancelled after only two seasons, Twin Peaks gained a cult following that continued to grow and grow, and is often listed amongst the greatest TV shows of all time. Then, in 2017 Twin Peaks returned to the small screen to cement itself as a true televisual phenomenon. This gorgeously illustrated volume brings together the artists from around the world that have been influenced by the show, and showcases some of their finest works.
ISBN: | 9788416500628 |
Publication date: | 28th December 2017 |
Author: | E Minguet |
Publisher: | Instituto Monsa de Ediciones |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 112 pages |
Genres: |
The Arts: techniques and principles Painting, drawing and art manuals History of art Popular culture |