English summary: As a very late and pseudepigraphical text, the Second Epistle of Peter is not always seen as an integral and fitting part of the New Testament canon. By highlighting its individual literary and theological profile as well as its various connections to early Christian literature inside and outside of later canonical collections, the present volume aims to contribute to a better informed and more detailed appreciation of both the irritating and inspiring aspects of Second Peter. The contributions cover a wide range of topics such as the canonical significance of the epistle, its intertextual and tradition-historical links, its contribution to the doctrine of inspiration, the "New Perspective on Second Peter", Second Peter's re-use of traditions about Lot and even the presence of Second Peter in early modern translations of the New Testament into Hebrew.
German description: Der zweite Petrusbrief wurde und wird haufig als randstandiger Text innerhalb des spater kanonisch gewordenen Schrifttums wahrgenommen, der nicht so recht in das Gesamt des Neuen Testaments zu passen scheint. Deshalb uberprufen die hier versammelten Beitrage einerseits, ob und inwiefern dieser spate und pseudepigraphe Text mit anderen neutestamentlichen Schriften in Beziehung steht, und andererseits, wodurch sich das ganz spezielle literarische und theologische Profil des 2 Petr im Rahmen der fruhchristlichen Literatur auszeichnet.
Mit Beitragen von:Matthias Berghorn, Christian Blumenthal, Paul Foster, Jorg Frey, Wolfgang Grunstaudl, Michael Kok, Thomas J. Kraus, Tobias Nicklas, Marida Nicolaci, Uta Poplutz, Martin G. Ruf, Karl Matthias Schmidt, Marcus Sigismund, Robert W. Wall
ISBN: | 9783161548925 |
Publication date: | 8th May 2018 |
Author: | Uta Poplutz, Tobias Nicklas, Wolfgang Grunstaudl |
Publisher: | Mohr Siebeck |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 357 pages |
Series: | Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen Zum Neuen Testament |
Genres: |
New Testaments Theology Judaism |