present you this new edition. After a voyage, during which the captain of the ship has displayed uncommon courage, seamanship, affability, or other good qualities, grateful passengers often present him with a token of their esteem, in the shape of teapots, tankards, trays, &c. of precious metal. Among authors, however, bullion is a much rarer commodity than paper, whereof I beg you to accept a little in the shape of this small volume. It contains a few notes of a voyage which your skill and kindness rendered doubly pleasant; and of which I don't think there is any recollection more agreeable than that it was the occasion of making your friendship.
ISBN: | 9782819935247 |
Publication date: | 6th November 2010 |
Author: | Thackeray, William Makepeace |
Publisher: | Pub One Info |
Format: | Ebook (Epub) |