"This pacey AI thriller sees a teen orphan battle the grip of Big Tech to prevent her late father’s world-changing AI algorithm from falling into dangerous hands."
Centred on a compelling, thought-provoking AI data concept, Neil Taylor’s Anticipation debut boasts contemporary bite, and a strong sense of twisting conspiracy and high-stakes urgency.
After her father’s sudden death in a plane crash, 17-year-old Riya Sudame inherits access to his revolutionary AI algorithm when she becomes a Keyholder custodian of his Anticipation Machine that can predict people's futures using their online data. As revealed by his former colleague: “Your father’s creation literally predicts people’s futures. If someone got hold of this and embedded it in a social-media platform with millions of users, they might just end up controlling the future of the whole world”.
While Riya’s dad had created the algorithm to help ordinary people make better choices, in the hands of greedy corporations, all manner of mayhem might be unleashed. As a result, she’s forced to go on the run from a powerful social media tycoon who’ll stop at nothing to have access to the algorithm, and the influence it will grant him.
Sinister, suspenseful and twisty, the writing is immensely detailed on Riya’s every action and thought as she grapples with tortured decisions and faces grave peril. Above all, Anticipation is a gripping thriller that’ll make you think about what you reveal through your own online engagement and interactions.
Primary Genre | Young Adult Fiction |
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