"This chuckle-inducing and thought-provoking account of former farmer now rewilder Derek Gow is incredibly special."
At times provocative, often humorous, always fascinating, wander through the life of a rewilder and discover new thoughts forming and a little joy. Derek Gow’s work to save native species and return them to the wild is eye-opening. He writes with a heartfelt yet cheerful abandon, thoughts and feelings spill onto the page and reach out. It feels as though his words are him, you can feel his intense passion for his work. Along the way Derek Gow introduces other passionate leading figures of this world and the various stories had me blurting with laughter. His journey to rewilding his Devon farm has been long and sometimes torturous, particularly when being savaged by somewhat feisty animals and battling the bureaucrats. Working with and saving animals is often painful, there is a stark reality to be found within this book, death is faced head on. If you’re looking for fairytales and sugary sweet happy endings, look elsewhere. If you want to learn, discover, explore, become excited by the possibilities that rewilding offers then you will find plenty on offer. I fell in love with this LoveReading Star Book, these thoughts, this much needed passion for our land and animals. Birds, Beasts and Bedlam is refreshingly bold and filled with gutsy energy, it’s also a hugely inspiring read.
Primary Genre | Lifestyle, Hobbies and Leisure |
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