A truly beautiful and stimulating book that can be devoured in one heady go or dipped into and adored. Meet and wonder over illuminated addresses, books, scrolls or certificates in celebration of events. Covering a hundred years, sitting mainly in Victorian times, each is its own masterpiece, the designs so colourful and intricate, they shine from the page. On display are 50 letters with a particular theme, from royalty, to civic duty, to clubs and societies. John P Wilson explains that the recipient could be wealthy or famous, or an ordinary person who had provided special service. He states these letters: “provide an opportunity to obtain an insight into someone’s life and achievements, and allow a brief historical opening into social history”. Each letter sits with an explanation, but the focus here is the beauty of the letter. In our current times, the art of the letter is all but forgotten, and these treasures appear to be almost jewell-like in their wonder and intensity. I have quite fallen in love with this book, it really speaks to me. Beauty in Letters is a wonderful insight into the past, and a stunning display of true creativity and artwork.
Illuminated addresses were at their most popular in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They are books, scrolls or certificates presented to individuals, often in celebration of a distinguished service or event. Typically they are written in fine calligraphy and embellished with skilled artwork and lustrous design and are a celebration of an important event, perhaps an honour, particular achievement or a retirement. Each illuminated address is unique. This book tells of these stories and shows the beauty created by the skills of the illuminators.
John Wilson has been a collector since a young boy, starting with stamps, coins and trade cards. He later came across illuminated addresses and was so struck by their beauty and artwork that he decided to acquire some. Over the last thirty years, he has built up the collection in this book and widened his interests into calligraphy, manuscripts and art, including creating his own art works.