"The Asylum is a shocking, heartbreaking and tragic story of resilience and courage that stayed with me long after the final page. "
The Asylum by Carol Minto is shocking, heartbreaking and tragic. A story of abuse and neglect, of a child abandoned not just by her own family, but by social services too - the very people who should have been protecting her from the dangers in society. Carol was abused by her brother when she was just 11 years old. Eventually sent away from home for being a 'problem child', she survived Aston Hall psychiatric hospital and the doctor in charge, who drugged, raped and sexually assaulted the children and teenagers there while other staff members stood by. I had to remind myself at times that The Asylum was a true story, showing the darkest side of human nature and one woman's reslience, rather than a crime-horror novel filled with astonishing twists and turns. This isn't an easy read, and it touched my heart, following Carol's story as she rebuilt her life and eventually found the courage to speak out against her abusers. A book that stays with you long after you turn the final page.
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