Yuval Noah Harari Press Reviews
'Homo Deus will shock you. It will entertain you. Above all, it will make you think in ways you had not thought before.' -- Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking Fast, and Slow
'Spellbinding... This is a very intelligent book, full of sharp insights and mordant wit... It is a quirky and cool book, with a sliver of ice at its heart... It is hard to imagine anyone could read this book without getting an occasional, vertiginous thrill.' -- David Runciman Guardian
'What elevates Harari above many chroniclers of our age is his exceptional clarity and focus.' -- Josh Glancy Sunday Times
'A remarkable book, full of insights and thoughtful reinterpretations of what we thought we knew about ourselves and our history... One measure of Harari's achievement is that one has to look a long way back - to 1934, in fact, the year when Lewis Mumford's Technics and Civilization was published - for a book with comparable ambition and scope.' -- John Naughton Guardian
About Yuval Noah Harari
'I encourage all of us, whatever our beliefs, to question the basic narratives of our world, to connect past developments with present concerns, and not to be afraid of controversial issues.' Dr Yuval Noah Harari has a PhD in History from the University of Oxford and now lectures at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specialising in World History. His research focuses on broad questions, such as: What is the relation between history and biology? Is there justice in history? Did people become happier as history unfolded? 65,000 people have signed up to his online course, A Brief History of Humankind. Sapiens is an international bestseller and is being published in more than 20 languages worldwide. In 2012 Harari was awarded the annual Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines.
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