A delightfully exotic new crime series set in the Solomon Islands featuring Sergeant Kella. It's 1960 and Sergeant Ben Kella of the Solomon Islands police force is only a few days into a routine patrol of the most beautiful yet dangerous and primitive areas of the South Pacific. Yet, already, he has been cursed by a magic man, stumbled across evidence of a cult uprising and failed to find an American anthropologist. Against his judgment he's forced to link up with Sister Conchita, an independent and
rebellious young American nun, in order to track down the perpetrators
of these bizarre goings on...
For eight years Graeme Kent was Head of Schools broadcasting out in the Solomon Islands so he writes from personal experience of his time out there. Prior to that Graeme taught in six primary schools in the UK, and was headmaster of one. Currently he is Educational Broadcasting Consultant for the South Pacific Commission - and a full time writer.