A delightfully intriguing, gently amusing, yet fiendishly tricky murder mystery. This is the second ‘Death in Paradise Novel’ and for fans of the TV series, brings back the eccentric yet brilliant DI Richard Poole. The Saint-Marie policing team investigate the possible suicide of supermodel Polly Carter, however DI Poole believes there may be a more sinister reason for her death. Robert Thorogood writes with a light touch, even though murder is afoot, the first few sentences made me smile and set the tone for this read. I have to admit that I was absolutely certain I had worked everything out, I even felt quite smug… silly silly me! This is a jolly, lead you up the garden path, lark of a novel that harks back to the lovely classic whodunit.
'I love Robert Thorogood's writing' - Peter James An original story from the creator and writer of the hit BBC One TV series, Death in Paradise, featuring on-screen favourite detective, DI Richard Poole. Supermodel Polly Carter was famed for her looks and party-girl lifestyle. Now she's dead, apparently having thrown herself from the clifftop near her home on the island of Saint-Marie. Those who knew her say Polly would never have killed herself...and when he is called in to investigate, DI Richard Poole is inclined to agree there is more to Polly's death than meets the eye. Already fighting a losing battle against the intense summer heat of the Caribbean, Richard now faces fresh adversaries: a stream of alibis; a host of conflicting motives; and, worst of all, a visit from his mother. A frenzy which would surely allow a murderer to slip away unnoticed...yet Richard is certain that the guilty party is still on the island. As his team closes in on Polly's household, Richard becomes convinced that the model's death was an inside job. And he's determined to prove who planned the killing of Polly Carter, and why...
'Very funny and dark with great pace. I love Robert Thorogood's writing Peter James
'Deftly entertaining ... satisfyingly pushes all the requisite Agatha Christie-style buttons' Barry Forshaw, THE INDEPENDENT
'For fans of Agatha Christie' MAIL ON SUNDAY
'A treat.' RADIO TIMES
'This brilliantly crafted, hugely enjoyable and suitably goosebump-inducing novel is an utter delight from start to finish' HEAT
'Plenty of red herrings and twists to keep readers guessing' DAILY EXPRESS
About Robert Thorogood
Robert Thorogood is the creator of the hit BBC One TV series DEATH IN PARADISE. He was born in Colchester, Essex, in 1972. When he was 10-years old, he read his first proper novel – Agatha Christie’s Peril at End House – and he’s been in love with the genre ever since. He now lives in Marlow in Buckinghamshire with his wife, children and an increasingly cranky Bengal cat called Daniel.