Rudyard Kipling’s beloved tale of family, belonging and identity has been reimagined in this acclaimed adaptation by Jessica Swale, with original songs by Joe Stilgoe. The Jungle Book tells the story of Mowgli, the man-cub who is raised by wolves. With a little help from his animal friends – including Bagheera the panther, Baloo the bear, and Kaa the python – he must face the cruel and powerful tiger, Shere Khan, and learn the Law of the Jungle. This musical adaptation is packed with memorable characters, catchy songs and brilliant storytelling, offering rich opportunities for all school, college, youth-theatre and amateur groups looking for a ‘fresh, ambitious and inventive’ (The Times) version of a much-loved classic. Jessica Swale also wrote Nell Gwynn, which premiered at Shakespeare’s Globe, London, before transferring to the West End, starring Gemma Arterton. It won the Olivier Award for Best New Comedy in 2016 and is being adapted for the screen. Her play Blue Stockings, which also premiered at the Globe, was nominated for an Evening Standard Award, and has proved a hit amongst amateur and student companies worldwide. Joe Stilgoe is an internationally acclaimed singer, pianist and songwriter.
ISBN: | 9781848429253 |
Publication date: | 14th November 2019 |
Author: | Jessica Swale |
Publisher: | Nick Hern Books |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 80 pages |
Genres: |
Plays, playscripts |