Set in the late 40s, early 50s, this tells the story of two sisters, both traumatised by the untimely death of their mother. The elder, Patricia, is also scarred by the realities of other childhood experiences and a humiliating marriage. The younger, Carmel, maintains an almost sexual love for Christ, and commits herself to an enclosed order. Carmel's abrupt disillusionment and departure from the convent throws the sisters together again. Tension mounts between Patricia's defensive cynicism and Carmel's equally unattractive humourless Puritanism. Filled with unflinching honesty in its exploration of the different types of love, this latest story from Eugene McCabe is both disturbing and heartwarmingly funny.
ISBN: | 9781848400184 |
Publication date: | 6th March 2009 |
Author: | Eugene McCabe |
Publisher: | New Island Books |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 112 pages |
Genres: |
Modern and Contemporary Fiction |