A contemporary reworking of Prometheus’ story is the latest addition to this fascinating series of the myths retold by some of our most renowned authors. It’s a satire on the popularity of the historical conspiracy thriller which beautifully mocks the publishing world, particularly the author’s publicity tour. It is short, sharp and quite brilliant.
When Theo Griepenkerl happens upon the fifth Gospel in a war-torn Iraqi museum, he can’t believe his luck. Driven by greed and a lust for fame, he capitalises on his find by publishing it. His book is a sensation. But he can hardly imagine the incendiary consequences his discovery will have for Christians, Arabs, homicidal maniacs and Amazon customers alike. The Fire Gospel is a brilliant piece of storytelling, dazzlingly outrageous and utterly gripping.
Michel Faber has written seven other books, including the highly acclaimed The Crimson Petaland the White, The Fahrenheit Twins and the Whitbread-shortlisted novel Under the Skin. The Apple, based on characters in The Crimson Petal and the White, was published in 2006. He has also written two novellas, The Hundred and Ninety-Nine Steps (2001) and The Courage Consort (2002), and has won several short-story awards, including the Neil Gunn, Ian St James and Macallan. Born in Holland, brought up in Australia, he now lives in the Scottish Highlands.