This visionary novel follows the inner journey of Zechariah Stevenson, the son of a wealthy Georgetown businessman, while he works as the watchman at a timber depot deep within the interior. Isolated in the forest and having endured the suspicion of a fraud scandal, the mysterious death of his father, and the disappearance of his mistress, Zechariah begins a journey of self-discovery as he deconstructs previously held certainties about life by losing himself in nature. An immensely sensuous evocation of Guyanese flora and fauna and its potential impact on the imagination, this classic novel, first published in 1964, is a profound plea for an ecological vision of mankind's relationship to nature.
ISBN: | 9781845230968 |
Publication date: | 1st May 2009 |
Author: | Wilson Harris |
Publisher: | Peepal Tree Press |
Format: | Paperback |
Series: | Caribbean Modern Classics |