The sequel to Drive, James Sallis's critically acclaimed thriller about a movie stunt-man who moonlights as a getaway driver for the mob, that became an award-winning film, directed by Nicholas Winding Refn, starring Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan and introduced Sallis to a worldwide audienceSeven years have passed since Driver ended his campaign against those who double-crossed him. He has left the old life, become Paul West and founded a successful business back in Phoenix. But walking down the street one day, he and his fiancee are attacked by two men and, while Driver dispatches both, his fiancee is killed. Sinking back into anonymity, aided by his friend Felix, an ex-gangbanger and Desert Storm vet, Driver realises that his past stalks him - and will not stop. He has to turn and face it. 'Undiluted noir... dark, urgent and utterly compelling' - Daily Mail'Driven is a lean and nasty piece of neo-noir. I took my seat on page one and didn't get back up again until it ended (far too quickly.) Always a pleasure to be in the hands of a master like James Sallis' - Dennis LehaneLook out for other novels by James Sallis, including the Turner trilogy and the Lew Griffin series
ISBN: | 9781842438381 |
Publication date: | 6th April 2012 |
Author: | Sallis, James |
Publisher: | No Exit Press |
Format: | Ebook (Epub) |