"Based on an Icelandic saga, this dark post-apocalyptic sci-fi duology set in war-ravaged London is a work of boundary-breaking brilliance."
In thrilling news for new generations of YA readers (and adults), this two-in-one tome brings together both books — Blood Tide and Blood Song — in Melvin Burgess’ outstanding dark fantasy duology. Melding myth and sci-fi with arresting contemporary style, it’s outrageously bold and powerful.
First published some 25 years ago, the duology’s ferocious world transposes the Icelandic Volsunga Saga to future London. A city destroyed. A city cut off from the rest of the country and wracked by violence as a pair of warring families contest power, with the second novel, Blood Song, revisiting remaining family members some years later.
No holds are barred, no topic off limit. There’s blood and violence, sex and death, and emotional depths are punch-packingly plumbed as Burgess takes readers to the brink while exploring timeless themes of treachery, revenge, power-play, and bonds that might make or break us with gripping invention.
Primary Genre | Young Adult Fiction |
Other Genres: |