"By teaching women how to change their thinking, this book hopes to counteract the steady drumbeat of negative messages that women hear throughout their life."
Women absorb negative messages about themselves throughout their life. Too thin. Too fat. Too short. Too tall. Too loud. Too quiet. No matter what they do, it’s the wrong thing.
Kara Loewentheil, host of the “Unf*ck Your Brain” podcast wants to help. Her message is simple: she wants to change women’s thought patterns so that the negative messages are no longer heard. In Take Back Your Brain she gives strategies, pointers and exercises in how to do just that.
To be clear, while this book might have some helpful pointers for all people who struggle with self esteem issues, it is aimed firmly at women-- the pink end papers might give the first clue-- but more than that, its written decidedly for a female audience.
Lowentheil’s central thesis is simple: Women can change how they feel by changing their thoughts. This requires some work, mainly to drown out the constant drumbeat of negative messages aimed at women. She looks at five areas where women need to change their thought patterns: body image, self esteem, love (and sex) life, financial matters, your time and the world.
What women need to realise is that their superpower is the ability to change their thoughts. This book will help women take the first steps in deprogramming the messages from the patriarchy and, in the end, be happy. At least that’s what Loewentheil would like to see.
Primary Genre | Self Help and Personal Development |
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