"A pocket guide for daily motivation"
356 Days of Inspiration is a neat, pocket-sized toolkit to help you find those words of wisdom to turn your day from one to be forgotten to one to be remembered.
Unlike a desk calendar that gives you a disposable message each morning, this book is one you can hold on to, return to and turn those pages until you see something that resonates with you. This doesn’t take long. The author, Robyn Martin, provides much of the guidance and every few days or so there’s a quote from one legend or another with people such as Maya Angelou, Albert Einstein and even Tina Turner chipping in with something uplifting.
The size of this book makes it a great stocking-filler for anyone you knows who is thoughtful and seeking positivity. To test the book I looked up my birthday guidance which goes: “Get up to watch the sunrise. Enjoy the still of the earth, the quiet of the land and the magnitude of the sun’s unwavering strength. This immense natural act that occurs every day may inspire you to notice the endless possibilities for new beginnings and the transience of harder times.” It’s so true that the dawn is something we take for granted that has an immense power for personal renewal - I won’t wait for my birthday to try that out! 365 Days of Inspiration is the latest of a 365 series including ..Calm, ..Yoga, ..Kindness and more. Get inspired!
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