In the second thrilling instalment of Ann Granger's Inspector Ben Ross series, a time of grief turns gruesome for one young woman...Lizzie Martin, lady's companion, has been sent from London to the New Forest to comfort a young woman whose baby has tragically died. A sad enough task, but things take an even darker turn when a rat-catcher is found murdered in the garden, and the young woman is discovered beside the body, crying and covered in blood. Not knowing where else to turn, Lizzie calls upon her friend Inspector Ben Ross from Scotland Yard to solve the horrific crime, but is the truth worse than they had even dared to imagine?A spellbinding Victorian crime mystery, perfect for fans of M. R. C. Kasasian and Susanna Calkins.
ISBN: | 9781788638401 |
Publication date: | 3rd February 2020 |
Author: | Ann Granger |
Publisher: | Canelo Digital Publishing Ltd |
Format: | Ebook (Epub) |