Unstoppable comedian Russell Brand wants you to join the revolution. Are you like him, fed-up with the status quo? Do you ask yourself why 1 per cent of the world owns nearly half the wealth? Are you appalled that in a year of a double-dip recession, banker's bonuses rose by around 64 per cent? Does it anger you that multi-million pound corporations pay hardly any tax? Do you, honestly, trust your MP? Always insightful, irreverent and funny, Russell Brand is asking the questions the nation wants answered. This is his call to arms. This is Russell Brand's revolution.
A delight to read ... Revolution is a text that will help politicise a generation. Independent Revolution is funny, full of charm, and engaging. -- Owen Jones Guardian Brand puts forward a logical and witty argument ... in a shifting world where political disillusionment is the norm, Brand offers a hopeful handbook of new ways of thinking. -- Twiggy Garcia Guardian A compelling and authentic voice ... Brand writes and speaks with verve, words flowing effotlessly and musically ... refreshingly distinctive in his analysis of what is wrong about the way modern Britain is run. Independent Facts, fun and a reminder that inequality is manmade and what we make we can unmake. Jeanette Winterson
About Russell Brand
Russell Brand is a comedian and author.This is his fourth book, following My Booky Wook, Irons in the Fire and Booky Wook 2: This Time It’s Personal. His most recent stand-up show was the critically acclaimed Messiah Complex.