Horror devastates the DC Universe, and this volume details how the Titans, Shazam, Black Adam, Angel Breaker, and Ravager navigate the terror of the Nightmare Realm! In Knight Terrors, DC's heroes are taken past the land of the living, beyond the land of the dead, and directly to a new villain called Insomnia...who uses his powers to engulf every single hero and villain in their own dark and twisted nightmares. This volume collects Knight Terrors: Titans #1-2, Knight Terrors: Shazam! #1-2, Knight Terrors: Black Adam #1-2, Knight Terrors: Angel Breaker #1-2, and Knight Terrors: Ravager #1-2.
ISBN: | 9781779525680 |
Publication date: | 5th March 2024 |
Author: | Jeremy Haun, Mark Waid, Andrew Constant |
Illustrator: | Roger Cruz, Wellington Diaz |
Publisher: | DC Comics |
Format: | Hardback |
Pagination: | 272 pages |
Series: | Dawn of DC |
Genres: |
Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: Superheroes and super-villains |