A pulsating psychological thriller that takes you from the dark, iron heart of a cold English city to the searing white-heat of an Australian wilderness...By Merseyside standards it's been some time since a decent corpse arrived on his patch, but now, on a bone-cold October morning, Detective Inspector Frank Keane's wait is over. The son of Keane's old boss, the legendary DI Menno Koopman, has been discovered dead twelve thousand miles from his Australian home, lashed to a scaffolding pole on Liverpool's bleak shoreline. It's the start of a vicious cycle of violence spanning half the globe. For Koopman, who turned his back on a thirty-year career in the city to live the quiet life in northern New South Wales, the death of a son he never knew means a return to England and the past he'd left behind. Koopman has not been forgotten in his old hunting ground - not by his former colleagues, and not by the enemies waiting for him. As the body count rises in Liverpool and Australia, Keane and Koopman's search for the killer becomes a fight for survival.
ISBN: | 9781742753959 |
Publication date: | 1st August 2012 |
Author: | Chatterton, Ed |
Publisher: | Penguin Random House Australia |
Format: | Ebook (Epub) |