‘You Only Live Thrice Perspective is a Superpower’ by Karl Perry is the author’s account of undergoing procedures to attempt to correct atrial fibrillation, followed by surviving a cardiac arrest and the heart bypass that followed.
Having a close relative experience a heart attack around a year ago, I could relate to and understand the experiences and thoughts that the author describes throughout the book as well as some of the procedures described. I can relate most to witnessing the change in perspective, the letting go of the little stressors (for the most part) and a shift in focus towards the bigger picture. There’s plenty of irreverence and humour at the different awkward situations experienced during his hospital stay alongside the difficulty and worry. I found Chapter 13 and the account of Perry’s cardiac arrest written by his wife to be particularly poignant and emotive.
Although the author’s heart issues and recovery from them are the main focus of this book, the author also goes on to include the loss of his mother and the closing of his business as part of this memoir. The writing throughout is open, reflective and despite dealing with loss, pain and trauma has an uplifting tone. The author’s intention to grow from these negative life events and the milestones and achievements that the author has managed to achieve since his cardiac arrest are truly inspiring and demonstrates the power of changing his perspective. This really is an encouraging read.
You Only Live Thrice Perspective is a Superpower Synopsis
Sometimes, the Universe goes out of its way, to invite the opportunity of not just a second, but a third incarnation of life. You Only Live Thrice is a sometimes comic, but brutally honest account of surviving cardiac arrest at home, embracing the chance for a second life, struggling to get balance in that second life, only to be forced to close a well-established event business, due to Covid-19. You’ll be taken on a rollercoaster journey of diagnosis, resuscitation and recovery, to considering parallel Universes, the administration processes of an afterlife, how to survive experimentation by oversized insects, dealing with a parent’s death and managing the mixed emotions attached to a business closure. Ultimately, learning to appreciate that not knowing what to do next, can be a wonderful opportunity. Uplifting, frank and irreverent, this isn’t a self-help book. But in testing times, it can help to realise that your own perspective on life, is sometimes your greatest Superpower.