The original, classic, Dark Shadows books from the Paperback Library,return with Hermes Press' archival reprint of all 32 titles in the seriesbeginning with the first novel which first saw print in December, 1966. The thirty-first book in this reprint series is titled "Barnabas, Quentinand the Hidden Tomb." Each book in the series was written by WilliamEdward Daniel Ross who used the pen name Marilyn Ross.
Ellen awoke to seea ghostly figure moving through the shadows at her bedside.
"Ellen!" Hername was whispered hoarsely, but she recognized the voice. It was AuntKate's.
"What's wrong?" Ellen asked, getting out ofbed.
Ellen sprang to her and eased her aunt down on thebed. "What is it?"
Ellen found matches and litthe candle on her bedside table. As she studied her aunt's death-like face inthe flickering light she was appalled. "I must rouse the others and get adoctor."