The original, classic, Dark Shadows books from the Paperback Library,return with Hermes Press' archival reprint of all 32 titles in the seriesbeginning with the first novel which first saw print in December, 1966. The thirtieth book in this reprint series is titled "Barnabas, Quentin andthe Mad Magician." Each book in the series was written by William EdwardDaniel Ross who used the pen name Marilyn Ross.
When Cabrini, the worldfamous illusionist, comes to Collinwood, Carolyn Stoddard and her friend BethMayberry hope to work as his assistants. But suddenly Carolyn's anticipationchanges to fear. Cabrini turns out to be a frightening figure, shrouded inmystery. Carolyn is certain his hypnotic eyes have pierced the soul of BethMayberry, making her a slave to the satanic rites he hasplanned.
Barnabas offers to help, but he is already under policesuspicion.
News of ghastly murders in the region add to Carolyn's terror- the victim's throats have been ripped open. Everyone suspects QuentinCollins. And somewhere in the shadows Cabrini waits and weaves aspell...