"An eloquent and engaging offering of a world of hope and possibilities to all the women about to enter or who are already in, the second half of life."
A LoveReading Star Book and wonderfully inspiring rallying cry. How better to introduce you to this book than with Dr Sharon Blackie’s own words: ’There can be a perverse pleasure, as well as a sense of rightness and beauty, in insisting on flowering just when the world expects you to become quiet and diminish’. For some women, ageing can feel like a betrayal. Hormone replacement therapy isn’t for everyone going through the menopause, there are those who choose not to or are unable to take it. Not all women have given birth, so this stage in life can be traumatic, a loss. Here Dr Sharon Blackie offers an alternative viewpoint, another way to look at the menopause and ageing, to see it with positivity, to essentially embrace it. Dr Sharon Blackie is a psychologist, folklorist and mythologist too, and shares her knowledge and own story. She invites you to re-examine, to reimagine and engage with stories and folklore, with nature, our natural cycles, our true selves. She suggests we live with the force and essence of life as our culture tries to persuade us that ageing is to be shunned. She essentially invites us to become friends with aging, to own our ‘hagitude’. I loved this book, it felt as though parts had been written specifically for me and I now want to explore further. Hagitude is a powerful read, it stirs and emboldens and also offers comfort and reassurance, it’s a force of nature in itself I can highly recommend.
Primary Genre | Mind, body, spirit |
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