Hot off her breakoutsuccess at Marvel, two-time Eisner award winner ERICA HENDERSON (TheUnbeatable Squirrel Girl, Jughead) teams up with KYLE STARKS (writer ofsales beast Rick and Morty) for a hilarious twist on the hitman tropethat will have readers laughing in the aisles. Full of swears, an excessiveamount of violence, and a ton of murders. Welcome to volume one of ASSASSINNATION.
TheWorld's Former Greatest Hitman hires the 20 best assassins in the world to behis bodyguards. These mean-as-hell hired guns and murderers must work togetherto keep the new crime boss safe, survive, and also attempt to solve the mysteryof who's trying to offhim!
Writtenin the same vein of Starks' action-comedy cult classics Sexcastle andKill Them All, ASSASSIN NATION has the same laugh-until-you-cry spirit ofaction-comedies like Hot Fuzz, Tropic Thunder, andDeadpool, wrapped in the bombastic, side-splitting murder-fest you'vebeen waiting for. Collects ASSASSIN NATION #1-5.