The NCLEX-RN exam is not just about what you know-it's about how you think. With expert critical thinking strategies and targeted practice, Kaplan's NCLEX-RN Prep (new for 2025) helps you apply your nursing knowledge to make safe and competent judgments about client care. This streamlined book is packed with test-like Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) practice questions, along with step-by-step guidance on how to think your way through to the correct answer for every question type you'll see on the exam.
We're so confident that Kaplan's NCLEX-RN Prep will guide you to exam success that we guarantee it: After studying with our book, you'll pass the test-or your money back.
Proven Strategies. Realistic Practice.
Step-by-step guidance for tackling every question type on the NCLEX-RN, including Matrix, Multiple Response (e.g., Select all that Apply), Cloze, Drag-and-Drop, Highlight, Bowtie, Trend, and 4-Option Multiple Choice
10 critical thinking pathways to break down what NCLEX-RN questions are asking
8 end-of-chapter practice sets to help you put critical thinking principles into action
Full-length practice test to gauge your progress
Detailed rationales for all answer choices, correct and incorrect
Instructions to access Kaplan's full-length NCLEX-RN computerized test-representing all 8 NCLEX client needs categories-FREE!
Expert Guidance
Capsule content review, organized along the exam's "Client Needs" framework
Up-to-date appendixes of must-know nursing terminology and medical abbreviations for quick reference
We invented test prep-Kaplan ( has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams
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