Barron's AP Precalculus Premium, 2025 includes comprehensive review and practice to prepare you for exam day-PLUS Unit 4 review for topics that teachers may include based on state or local requirements.
Written by Experienced Educators
Learn from Barron's??all content is written and reviewed by AP experts
Build your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent exam
Get a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day??it's like having a trusted tutor by your side
Be Confident on Exam Day
Sharpen your test?taking skills with 3 full?length practice tests-2 in the book and 1 more online-plus detailed answer explanations for all questions
Strengthen your knowledge with in?depth review covering all units in the AP Precalculus course and on the exam
Reinforce your learning with multiple?choice practice questions at the end of each chapter, all with comprehensive answer explanations
Enhance your problem-solving skills with hundreds of examples and carefully worked out solutions for all major topics
Robust Online Practice
Continue your practice with 1 full?length practice test on Barron's Online Learning Hub
Simulate the exam experience with a timed test option
Deepen your understanding with detailed answer explanations and expert advice
Gain confidence with scoring to check your learning progress