Deep intriguing story of common, related friends who soon find themselves trapped in a newly discovered subterranean world after volunteering to solve and negotiate an ongoing threat with very uncommon, powerful inhabitants. The journey becomes more and more ominous, discovering hidden secrets within friends but at the same time, revealing their own desire for love, profit, and, relentless solitude. Descending through the Catacombs, the once passive group gradually realizes the opposition is not only within the dark walls but within the trust of each other. Negotiations and former plans get halted leaving all possible options improvised. Decisions are limited to one and the fate of both the Catacombs population and the townspeople of Chronesberg are ultimately compromised.
ISBN: | 9781499038880 |
Publication date: | 18th June 2014 |
Author: | Matthews, Ron |
Publisher: | Xlibris US |
Format: | Ebook (Epub) |