In 2010, Cartoon Network debuted a new animated series called Adventure Time, and within just a few short years the show became both a pop culture phenomenon and a critical darling. But despite all the admiration, not many works of scholarship have assessed the show through a critical lens.
This anthology is an attempt to fill this scholarly oversight and spark a wider conversation about the show's deeper themes. Across 15 scholarly essays, this book's contributors study Adventure Time from a variety of angles, proving just how insightful the series really is. From a consideration of BMO's queer identity to a psychoanalytic reading of Lemongrab and an examination of how anime has impacted the show, the topics explored in this anthology are diverse and unique and are likely to appeal to scholars and fans alike.
ISBN: | 9781476678580 |
Publication date: | 20th July 2023 |
Author: | Paul A Thomas |
Publisher: | McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 271 pages |
Series: | Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy |