In this fifth installment of the long Homily 71, On the Six Days of Creation, Jacob treats of the events of the fifth day, the creation from the waters of the various species of fish and reptiles, as well as the assorted types of birds and other winged creatures. God created them all in wisdom and in love, prepared everything that they would need and endowed them with the natural characteristics required for their particular type of life. Jacob highlights the fact that the creation of these animals on the fifth day to inhabit the land and water separated on the third day is a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ.
ISBN: | 9781463241179 |
Publication date: | 22nd October 2019 |
Author: | Edward Mathews Jr |
Publisher: | Gorgias Press |
Format: | Paperback |
Pagination: | 68 pages |
Series: | Texts from Christian Late Antiquity |
Genres: |
Christianity Theology |