One day, a clever marketer seizes upon a brilliant solution to get consumers to buy his product, even though it is lethal. Through his research, he has learned that many people in his target market are fascinated by the American cowboy. He proceeds to put the cowboy front and center and make the product an essential but secondary part of that cowboy's appearance. It works, but what is it? Why did it work? How can it work for you?What the clever marketer did is called Dreamweaving. It works because people are dreamers. People are looking for things that satisfy their needs beyond food, water, and shelter. People want security and safety, a sense of belonging,and to be their very best. They are willing to pay for what they feel accomplishes these things for them. What this means for your business is that you need to be your customers' dreams. To gain market leadership, your products need to satisfy needs beyond basic necessities. Your products need to be part of their lives. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a widget maker, a marketer, or an individual looking for a new job, this is the book that explains how you can become a Dreamweaver. Simple and effective, Dreamweaving can help you get to know your customers, reach new ones, demonstrate the impact of your products on their lives, gain and keep people coming back for years to come, and much more.
ISBN: | 9781455603725 |
Publication date: | 31st January 2003 |
Author: | Chandler, Michael |
Publisher: | Pelican Publishing |
Format: | Ebook (PDF) |