Topics include: Cilia dysfunction; Innate immunity; Superantigen; Local & systemic IgE; Biofilm; Fungus; Novel topical therapeutics; Systemic therapies in managing sinonasal inflammation; Application of minimal ESS techniques; Role of maximal ESS techniques; Surgical salvage for the non functioning sinus; Quality of life outcomes of FESS; Extended endoscopic techniques for sino-nasal resections; Endoscopic skull base and trans-nasal craniectomy; Evolving materials and techniques for ESS; Rhinologic surgical training.
ISBN: | 9781437724066 |
Publication date: | 8th July 2010 |
Author: | Rodney J Schlosser, Richard J Harvey |
Publisher: | W B Saunders Co Ltd an imprint of Elsevier Health Sciences |
Format: | Hardback |
Series: | The Clinics: Surgery |
Genres: |
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) |