Tales of magical adventures in the Enchanted Wood and in the Faraway Tree that have delighted and sparked the imagination of children for years. A joy to read to your children as well as for them to read.
November 2009 Guest Editor Katie Agnew on ENID BLYTON
Enid Blyton was the first author who ever truly captured my imagination. I must have been about six or seven, and I'd just started reading to myself in bed, when I discovered 'The Faraway Tree' series. I absolutely lost myself in Jo, Bessie and Fanny's magical world. I quickly moved onto the 'Famous Five' and 'Swallows and Amazons'. When I finished one of her books I would grieve the characters like lost friends. My daughter's just turned seven and I've bought her the entire back catalogue.
When Joe, Beth and Frannie move to a new home, an Enchanted Wood is on their doorstep. And when they discover the Faraway Tree, that is the beginning of many magical adventures! Join them and their friends Moonface, Saucepan Man and Silky the fairy as they discover which new land is at the top of the Faraway Tree. Will it be the Land of Spells, the Land of Treats, or the Land of Do-As-You-Please? There'll be adventures waiting for them, whatever happens; funny, magical adventures that will delight children again and again.
(born Aug. 11, 1897, London, Eng. — died Nov. 28, 1968, London) English children's writer. Trained as a schoolteacher, she published her first book, Child Whispers, in 1922. She went on to produce more than 600 children's books and numerous magazine articles. She is probably best known for several book series, including those featuring Noddy, the Famous Five, and the Secret Seven. Though often criticized for their stereotyped characters, simple writing style, and didactic moralism, her books were widely translated and remained internationally popular long after her death.