A laugh out loud account of one woman's shocking discovery that she was carrying not one but three babies. With one small child in the house already, Jackie Clune isn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Jackie's musings on how she is going to cope with four children when even the doctors seem unsure of how to go about caring for her are both witty and moving. As expected from a book written by a stand-up comedian this is a hilarious tale of an almost superhuman biological feat!
On 22 December 2004, at a routine ultrasound dating scan, Jackie Clune was told just that. She had not undertaken any fertility treatment - indeed the pregnancy was 'an accident' as her daughter was under a year old at the time. She and her partner were going from one child to four in almost a single bound. Thrown headlong into the world of multiple births - a risky, scary and unpredictable world where there are few norms, where there is little support and practically no dedicated literature – Jackie’s first response was a profound desire to punch the radiographer. This is the story of what happened next. From the first scan to the babies' first Christmas, she charts the physical, emotional and practical rollercoaster of bringing three lives into the world all in one go. Essential reading for all parents of multiples - there are very few books available which offer more than a passing reference to twins or more – Extreme Motherhood will also also appeal to anyone interested in how people cope in extreme circumstances. The idea of triplets, let alone the reality – for example, the 28 hours a day that statistics record as the minimum to keep them fed, clean and healthy - makes grown adults stop and stare. Funny, honest and very touching, this book will allow people to do just that - without having to pretend to be polite.
Jackie Clune is a singer, comedian, actress and writer. She lives in East London with her partner Richard, their daughter Saoirse, and their nine-month-old triplets Thady, Frank and Orla – who play a starring role in Extreme Motherhood: The Triplet Diaries.