Reading Romantic Poetry introduces the major themes and preoccupations, and the key poems and players of a period convulsed by revolution, prolonged warfare and political crisis.
Provides a clear, lively introduction to Romantic Poetry, backed by academic research and marked by its accessibility to students with little prior experience of poetry
Introduces many of the major topics of the age, from politics to publishing, from slavery to sociability, from Milton to the mind of man
Encourages direct responses to poems by opening up different aspects of the literature and fresh approaches to reading
Discusses the poets' own reading and experience of being read, as well as analysis of the sounds of key poems and the look of the poem on the page
Deepens understanding of poems through awareness of their literary, historical, political and personal contexts
Includes the major poets of the period, Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Burns and Clare -as well as a host of less familiar writers, including women