A convincing, powerful, and dramatic psychological thriller. Twins Robin and Sarah are living separate lives, each face their own difficulties, yet danger beckons and life is about to get a lot more complicated. The story spins from Robin to Sarah, and from the present back to their childhood, each chapter swift and intense, as information is released and a picture starts to build from two different points of view. Holly Seddon held my thoughts to ransom as I started to mistrust everyone and everything, yet she allows a deep connection to the characters as sorrow and heartache form. The edges of the story ebb and flow within the rapidly moving, provocative central plot… and I could sense the huge rumbling force lurking just around the corner. ‘Don’t Close Your Eyes’ is an exciting second novel, breathtaking, yet incredibly realistic, and definitely worth reading, I can highly recommend it. ~ Liz Robinson
July 2017 Book of the Month.
Primary Genre | Thriller and Suspense |
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