"A vividly epic introduction to a brand new world in this fantasy debut that recreates a major Indian poem and boldly sings with echos of Game of Thrones."
A roaring and fiery start to a new fantasy series where a prophecy declares the Son of Darkness is due to rise. This is a reimagining of Vyasa’s epic and revered Mahabharata from ancient India, it also reminded me of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series in its intricate complexity. The author’s note at the beginning does say to bear in mind that his novel is completely different to what is known about the poem through other books and TV shows. In his newly imagined world, beloved characters will potentially take different journeys to those expected. On a personal level some of the names, including Krishna and Karna hovered in my awareness but I came to this story with no real knowledge and decided not to seek further information before I started. There is a very handy list of characters and a map at the beginning, my advice is to study and let them settle to become known to you before you enter. The chapters slide into a slow burn, a long introduction as it were, until the blazing action really explodes. It took me a while to find and feel the connecting patterns and pathways. I know that the story is due to continue in another novel, and believe this epic world with its myriad of characters does need to be properly established in your minds eye. The further I read, the more I sank into the deep inky depths. My emotions gathered as I began to understand the characters, and the plot took flight. There is a desperate darkness that runs through the novel, yet hope remains. I was almost reading between my fingers as this tale began to close, as a battle of immense proportions awaits. Sitting on the edge of a burning precipice, Sons of Darkness is a monumental debut.
Primary Genre | Fantasy |
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