Her Perfect Dad Made Her Life a Living HellWhen Cathy returns to her hometown, she tells herself she has nothing to fear. But as she drives through town, she can feel the glances. As she parks her car in front of her childhood home, heads turn and eyes stare. Her knees are weak and she longs to jump back into her car and bolt.As she steps onto the porch, the years roll away and she is six again, coming home from school, walking slowly, reluctantly up the walk, her book bag bumping against her legs. Fearfully, she stares at the house, wishing desperately that her mother was home. Sometimes when her mother was home, her father wouldnt hit her so hard or make her clean and re-clean the bathroom because of some imagined sin.TruLove Collection presents the page-turning novella -- Fear Thy Father, a story of courage and survival. Cathys journey of facing her fears and forgiveness will inspire you.
ISBN: | 9780985540401 |
Publication date: | 5th June 2012 |
Author: | Anonymous |
Publisher: | BroadLit |
Format: | Ebook (Epub) |