In an age of gene splicing, stem cell research and Computer Artificial Intelligence, Mary Shelley’s dark gothic tale contains a stark warning message for us all in this modern age. The novel is as much about the struggle that Dr Frankenstein’s creature has with what it means to be human as it does about the creation of life itself. The key takeaway for the reader is just because we can, doesn’t mean we should.
There is no greater novel in the monster genre than "e;Frankenstein"e; and no more well known monster than the one that is at the center of this novel. However, the monster of "e;Frankenstein"e; is more than the common lumbering moronic giant that is most often represented. "e;Frankenstein's"e; monster is in reality a thinking intelligent being who is tormented by world in which he does not belong. In this depiction Shelley draws upon the universal human themes of creation, the nature of existence, and the need for acceptance. For it is without this acceptance that the true monster, the violent nature of humanity, emerges.